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Sammons Senior Center

Sammons Senior Center

Project: Architecture

Client: City of Temple 

Description: The Sammons Senior Center is a public-use building to serve Temple’s senior citizens. The center has activity spaces, classrooms, a computer lab, workout facilities, a billiards room, a full-service kitchen and cafeteria, and a community library. The building was renovated due to a significant bond that passed in 2016.

The senior center consisted of the original Sammons Golf Course clubhouse and 70 years of subsequent renovations. As a result, the 17,500 sf building was a maze of small rooms, differing elevations, and aging and incompatible infrastructure. 

MRB Group coordinated the design and budget with the City to provide the most value for its funding. Through the renovation of the existing areas and the addition of a 2,500 sf classroom, MRB designers were able to achieve the requested and required goals.