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South Carolina Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

December 12, 2024

South Carolina Recovery Grants

Authorized under Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) provides grants to state and local governments, Indian tribes or other tribal organizations, and certain private non-profits to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after Presidential disaster declaration.

Hazard mitigation projects are funded under the HMGP on a 75% federal, 25% non-federal cost share basis to be administered by FEMA and managed in South Carolina by SCEMD. The non-federal share can be met through cash or in-kind services such as donated materials or labor. Even though this funding is the result of a disaster, all counties in the state are eligible to apply for HMGP funds.

In order to qualify for funding:

  • The project may not affect the entire state
  • Must conform to the State Hazard Mitigation Plan, conform to environmental, historical, and economic justice issues
  • Provide a long-term solution for the community
  • Demonstrate cost-effectiveness
  • Comply with program regulations and be consistent with the local government’s mitigation strategies as listed in their all-hazard mitigation plan.

MRB Group helps identify, pursue, and maximize opportunities. Allow us to take on your grant research, writing, administration, and more in order to embrace your organizational strengths while opening possibilities. Every step of the way.

Interested in learning more, contact us!

Heather Simmons Jones | Director of Southeast Operations |

Joy Simpson | Grants Analyst |

Heather Simmons Jones
Principal - Southeast Operations

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