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Marlin Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation

 The City of Marlin operates a 3.75 MGD rated capacity Water Treatment Plant (WTP) equipped with two trains of Koch Targa II membrane filtration modules. During late November and December, 2015, a process upset led to serious damage to both racks of modules and replacement was required. The City received emergency funding for replacement of the modules on the first treatment train, and later received a $500,000 grant from USDA, and $100,000 grant from the Central Texas Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council to replace the second module train and conduct additional rehabilitation of the WTP.

MRB Group was retained to evaluate needed improvements at the WTP, to secure necessary approvals, and prepare contract documents as necessary. MRB Group conducted a plant evaluation considering improvements necessary to prevent a similar occurrence in the future, to repair other damage caused by the process upset, to upgrade plant electrical and grounding systems, and to rehabilitate a clarifier cited in a violation by TCEQ. Costs were determined for needed improvements and they were ranked by priority order to determine which improvements could be accomplished with existing funding.

MRB Group has secured TCEQ approval for membrane module replacement, assisted the City in hiring contractors to cleanout various basins impacted by the process upset, and has completed contract documents for rehabilitating one existing clarifier and performing various electrical system upgrades.