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Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

2022-2026 – Erie County

Erie County Comprensive Economic Development Strategy

Project: Comprensive Plan Update

Client: Erie County Industrial Development Agency

Contact: Michael N’dolo

Description: MRB Group was selected by the Erie County IDA to assist with the 5 year update to their Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy as required by the US EDA.  This CEDS builds on existing relevant planning documents, derives insights from extensive stakeholder engagement, and is grounded in the current capacities of ECIDA and its partners. Key themes throughout this particular plan were resiliency, equity, and the interconnection of economic and community development. The heart of this CEDS is the Action Plan Matrix, which represents the culmination of a broad strategic planning process that led to stakeholder consensus on goals, measurable objectives, and prioritized tasks. Key goal areas were: infrastructure, business/industry support, quality of life, and regional collaboration.