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City of Mart Water System Improvements

The City of Mart is conducting a $17.1 million renovation of their entire water supply and distribution system. The project is funded by a $5 million Grant and $12 million loan from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development, and a $100,000 grant from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).  We estimate construction completion by late 2019.

The project includes the following components:

  • Surface Water Intake Structure. A new bridge supported intake structure is proposed to replace the existing temporary facilities.
  • Water Treatment Plant. The existing water treatment plant will be replaced with a new facility constructed adjacent to the existing facility. The new 1.3 MGD facility expandable to 2.0 MGD.
  • Transmission Main. The existing 6-mile, 10-inch and 12-inch diameter transmission main will be replaced with 16-inch diameter HDPE pipe.
  • Groundwater Well. The existing well completed at a depth of 3,200 ft will be rehabilitated with a new submersible well pump installed following cleaning and flushing of the well.
  • Booster Pump Station Upgrade. It is proposed to replace the existing ground storage tank at the BPS, to provide re-chlorination facilities, upgrade station electrical, controls & pumps as necessary.
  • Distribution System. We have evaluated line replacement needs based on water modeling results, and where street improvement to be constructed with the water main installation can be most beneficial to the residents.  Approximately 4 miles of new water lines will be installed in the City’s Distribution System.