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Town of Nunda Highway Garage

Town of Nunda Highway Garage

Project: Architecture

Client: Nunda, NY

Contact: Maggie Nearing, A.I.A.

Description: The Town of Nunda Highway Department had been operating with an outdated and undersized facility for more than 25 years.

The Town was given an opportunity to obtain grant funding for facility improvements, then received an offer from a local business to purchase the existing Highway Department site and building. This fostered exploration of the potential to select a new highway department site which would be centrally located and more appropriate for the Town’s Highway Department operations.

MRB group was initially retained to provide building programming and a site feasibility study for the new Hay Road site. The study confirmed that a new Highway Garage facility could feasibly be accommodated at this location. The need to bring utility services to the site – approximately ¼ mile – presented a costly challenge. To eliminate the expense of an automatic fire-suppression (sprinkler) system and a fire pump, it was decided that the structure would be subdivided into 5,000 sf maximum fire areas.