1 800-701-8746 info@mrbgroup.com

Yates Town Park

Yates Town Park

Project: Conceptual park design, landscape architecture, green infrastructure

Client: Town of Yates

Contact: Jon Hinman, P.E.

Description: MRB Group was retained by the Town of Yates to re-envision the Yates Town Park as part of the Governor’s Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI). As a result of high-water levels and flooding in 2017 and 2019, the park has experienced substantial erosion and scouring along the shoreline, and standing water due to poor runoff conditions.

MRB Group developed a conceptual park design consisting of integrative stormwater management, landscape architecture, and green infrastructure improvements to the shoreline and interior including the construction of car-top kayak launch and an ADA-compliant lookout point (pier).