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Advertisement For Request For Qualifications

October 30, 2024

MRB Group Engineers, PC. will receive sub-consultant Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) at the office of MRB Group, PC until 3:00 p.m., on the 6th day of December 2024, at 303 W. Calhoun Ave., Temple, TX 76501. SOQs received after the closing time will be returned unopened.

SOQs will be accepted for the following professional services:

Professional Meter Investigation Service – Determine Service Line Materials

Prospective firms may submit for one or more of the above services. Separate SOQs will be required for each professional service.

This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “fair share policy”, which includes EPA-approved “fair share goals” for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) firms in the Construction, Supplies, Equipment, and Services procurement categories. EPA’s policy requires that applicants and prime contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to Minority Business Enterprise and Women-Owned Business Enterprise firms. Although EPA’s policy does not mandate that the fair share goals be achieved, it does require applicants and prime contractors to demonstrate use of the six affirmative steps.

The Fair Share Goals for:

CATEGORY                          MBE      WBE
CONSTRUCTION               24.50% 11.34%
NON-CONSTRUCTION    24.05% 19.35%
NON-CONSTRUCTION    24.16% 17.38%

Prime consultants are required to comply with EPA’s good faith effort policy when awarding sub-agreements for construction, supplies, equipment, and services. A complete version of Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, is available at:


This contract is to be funded through a loan obtained from the TWDB as part of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. There are a number of special provisions for this funding that prospective consultants, by submitting a SOQ, acknowledge understanding of the following:

A contract is contingent upon release of funds from the TWDB.

Any contract or contracts awarded under this Request for Qualifications are expected to be funded in part by financial assistance from TWDB. Neither the State of Texas nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees are or will be a party to this Invitation for Statements of Qualifications or any resulting contract.

Equal Opportunity in Employment – All qualified Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicap. The consultant shall carry out applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 33 in the award and administration of contracts awarded under TWDB financial assistance agreements. Failure by the consultant to carry out these requirements is a material breach, which may result in the termination of the awarded financial assistance.

The project will consist of the following:

GIS based water meter investigation to determine the Customer and City side service line materials as required by TCEQ Lead Service Line Inventory in the City of Duncanville. This project consist of approximately 13,250 meter locations centered on parcel data in a GIS database provided by MRB Group. Data fields to be updated includes: Accurate GPS Location, Address #, Address Street, Address ZIP, Address City, Customer Side Service Material, City Side Service Material, and Meter Serial #. All deliverables to be in ESRI shapefile format.

Please direct questions to Armand Hunt, P.E. at Questions submitted after 5pm on December 4th will not be answered.

MRB Group Engineering, PC reserves the right to reject any or all SOQs or to waive any informality in the RFQ process.

SOQs may be held by MRB Group Engineering, PC for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of the SOQ submittal for the purpose of reviewing the SOQs and investigating the consultant’s qualifications prior to the contract award.

Small and minority firms are encouraged to submit SOQs for this project.