1 800-701-8746 info@mrbgroup.com

City of Geneva Organizational Development

MRB Group has a strong and longstanding relationship with the City of Geneva. Aware of our depth of experience in organizational capacity building and strategic development, the City Manager’s office tapped our Local Government Services team to guide the City’s Recreation Department and Office of Neighborhood Initiatives through a strategic visioning and restructuring process.

Through ongoing individual mentorship and group work sessions, MRB Group is leading City staff in a series of facilitated discussions and exercises to achieve coordinated service delivery and program alignment through the lens of community health and wellness. More specifically, this project seeks to:

• Develop and articulate a shared vision for community well-being, reflective of the programs’ respective and unique strengths.
• Collectively identify program contributions and impacts, opportunities, needs and challenges.
• Craft a set of strategies for improved teamwork, service delivery and coordination.
• Prioritize objectives and develop action plans for vision implementation.

More broadly, in leading the team through this process, MRB Group is supporting the Geneva City Manager’s Office in the realization of its goal of fostering and inspiring team leadership and innovation.